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What is one item you miss from your sticks ’n bricks kitchen?

There are a few items from my kitchen that I would send a “Missing You” card to. After moving from 3,000 square foot home to a 17 foot travel trailer, I had to get rid of 98% of what was in my kitchen, including all of my appliances. One of those items I miss is my blender.

I really like smoothies and shakes. I will often times replace breakfast or lunch with a protein rich smoothie, but that’s kind of hard to do in such a small space. I just don’t have the counter space for a Vitamix. I’ve even tried other smaller products, but they come with so many different

parts that you have to try to store somewhere.

Then, while watching a fellow YouTuber, I was introduced to a “Portable Juicer.” I had seen water bottles that could mix up protein powders, but had never seen a portable product strong enough

to blend the fruits and veggies. I was excited to give this one a try.

At $30, this personal blender isn’t the cheapest. However, after looking and comparing MANY different brands, the Godmorn Portable Juicer had the best ratings. It also ticked off all of the boxes I was looking for if I was going to spend the money and make room for this item in my kitchen; lightweight, compact, easy to clean, & a strong/long lasting rechargeable battery. Of course, I wanted it to blend everything smoothly too.


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